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The Neon Movie Bunker

Feb 24, 2018

Here is show. Show is good. Hurrah, show! This week, El'Ahrai and John proffer reviews of "Black Panther" and "Everything Is Awful: The Great Satan"! You had a pile of nitwits diagnose me as a sociopath.

Feb 14, 2018

Now here's something that will really blow your hair back: It's a new episode! This week, John and El'Ahrai review "The 15:17 to Paris" and "The Cloverfield Paradox"! Doesn't that sound like a froody good time? There were a lot of explosions for two people blending in.

Feb 8, 2018

Doctor! Doctor! Gimme the news! I got a bad case of movie talk! This week, El'Ahrai and John review "Winchester" and "Victor Crowley"! But wait, there's more! We also have an interview with "Kill Order" writer/director James Mark! The Road to Reality...don't wanna be going there!